Loving the process of building your coaching business

You’ve got to LOVE the process.

Otherwise reaching the goal ends you. You want to be so focused on the love of the run that you don’t even notice when you hit the finish line…

Meaning, there will never be a point where you reach enough clients and you stop and say ‘I’ve reached my peak, my work here is done, I never have to figure this out again’.

You will always be solving for the challenge of creating more clients, creating revenue in your business, and serving people.

So instead of ‘getting that client’, and focusing so hard on that target that you are literally draining yourself of every ounce of energy and hope you have.

Try this.

Ditch hope. Ditch guessing. Ditch ‘trying’ so hard. Ditch comparison. Ditch beating yourself up that you’re not there yet. Ditch feeling you ‘have no idea where the next client is coming from’. Ditch making it mean something about you, or your worth, or enoughness, or ‘who are you to do this’.


And fall in love with the process of it.

There is no hope, guessing, comparison, trying and all the other things that will help you to create your next client.

There is no amount of self loathing or self doubt that will create the level of wealth, freedom and success you desire.

There is only this:

There is ONE incredible offer that you sell and LOVE to serve people with.

There is ONE process, that you choose and love your reasons for.

Most importantly, there is YOU showing up powerfully, in service, with intention, with trust and certainty that you are the ONLY one who can offer it the way you do, and that someone is WAITING for you to show up and share it.

THEN, there is experimenting, evaluating, and refining. Basically, my fancy term for doing the damn thing and doing it messy, feeling ALL the feels along the way, giving yourself PLENTY of love and rest and Nervous System TLC, and ultimately committing to the joy of the journey every step of the way.

Soo that WHEN you get results, it’s not a matter of being so drained you have no idea what you did and how you did it.

It’s a matter of just doing what you’ve always done because it’s who you ARE.

Rinse and repeat.

Getting faster, more creative, more certain, more confident, more aligned, more clear, each and every time.

The best part? If it sucks right now it’s not a problem.

You don’t change the situation and take this is a sign coaching isn’t for you then. You DECIDE that you got this far a reason and you damn well are going to fall in love with the process instead.

In my world we don’t run when the going gets tough. We LOVE HARDER on ourselves and keep fucking going (even if that means luscious amounts of rest).

Want to learn this process?

This is the simple process I teach inside THRIVE.

It’s for the coach who knows that coaching chose them and they’re ready to be ALL IN.

Over 6 months, you will go through a lot — there will be ups, down, fears, celebrations and all the bits in between that life and 9to5 throw at you.

That’s why I’ll be coaching you, supporting you, challenging you to a higher standard, and holding you accountable, not to me, but to yourself, to the goals YOU set and the dream you vision.

I have 5 spaces in February and you’re invited to claim it.

Don’t walk, RUN.

Schedule your consult here.

Your coach




Pamella Pritchard, Life & Business Mindset Coach

Pamella, certified Life & Business Coach, helps you build your soul-led business around the 9to5 with simplicity, confidence and clarity.