If you’re building your coaching business around the 9to5 — What are you waiting for?

This is something I’ve been personally working with the last couple of months (and I’m sharing it because it’s really working, and I want you to have this too).

I have desires, goals, and points in the proverbial sand that I am aiming to reach. Who doesn’t? (Well actually a lot of people but if you’re reading this I know you do!)

It got me thinking.

If I’m working so hard for that thing… what really is the difference between ‘here’ and ‘there’?

Like really….

What is the difference?

Sure there may be some arbitrary ‘tangible’ I can see it, touch it, screenshot it and show it on my banking app kind of tangible differences. Such as reaching a financial milestone for example.

But if you’re in my world you know I’m a spiritual being and all of that sounds very 3D and also very… material.

If I’m waiting to touch it, see it, hear it, own it, then something’s a little off because that is, as we know, the least important part of it and really just the tip of the iceberg….

So if that’s just one tiny part of it — what actually am I aiming for?

Well, {{ first_name }}, it’s this.

A feeling.

Wait what?

Am I really putting EVERYTHING on hold for THAT?

It suddenly doesn’t make so much sense.

For example… That moment you hand in your notice. A passing moment. Then what? (Having been there and done that I speak from experience when I say ‘now what’ is a real question you ask — hence why I do what I do lol).

That moment you get your next client? A passing moment. Then what?

What about when you’re fully booked? A few passing moments. Then what?

So if THAT moment is what I’m waiting for. Just passing moments that ultimately well.. pass…

Then WTF am I waiting for?

What if….

What if…

What if…

I get to feel that way right f!$king now?

How about you, Coach?

How would it feel to hand in your notice?

Freedom? Joy? Satisfaction? Relief?

Find it now. Where do you already have freedom? Joy? How can you create satisfaction and relief? What are you looking for relief from exactly? (bring that to coaching).

How good would it feel to book another client?

Incredible? Exciting? Prepared?

Be there now. What is already incredible about what you offer? How are you excited for your next client to join now? Are you prepared now for them to come? (If not, bring that coaching).

How would it feel to be fully booked?

Pride? Success?

Find it now. Where are you already proud of what you’ve created? Where could you feel successful right now? (Not sure, then bring that to coaching)

Everything you are waiting for is here, right f!$king now, available to you, waiting for you.

It wants you too coach.

Lean into that energy, those intangible pieces of magic right now, then notice how the tangible follows shortly after…

Stop waiting coach.


It’s already yours.

Your coach


ps. Stop waiting for the right time to join THRIVE and get the support you deserve as you build your coaching business around the 9to5.

All of this is available to you, right now.

  • CEO Strategy Session Kick Off

To finally refine your one priority offer, price, client, and marketing startegy. Then to set some tangible and intangible 30 day, 3 month and 6 months goals.

  • NEW Monthly goal check-ins

So you can keep on track and accountablt to what your here for.

  • Transformative coaching

To help you manage the mind drama, level up and go out there and do what you came here to do with the support to help you see it through

  • Access to THRIVE online

The business fundamentals in strategy and mindset as well as support to help you reframe and survive the 9to5. Learn the philosophies, tools and resources to set you up for long term, sustainable success your way.

It’s time coach, schedule your consult today.




Pamella Pritchard, Life & Business Mindset Coach

Pamella, certified Life & Business Coach, helps you build your soul-led business around the 9to5 with simplicity, confidence and clarity.