How to wake up in gratitude

I woke up and these words were singing through my mind and heart today.

Thank you.

I love you.

More please!


I used to hate waking up. Because waking up meant I was probably already exhausted. I’d automatically snooze, knowing I’d probably be late and then 5 minutes after it was already too late I would drag myself out of bed and go to work in a rush, feeling stressed and wondering how any one gets any where on time. I’m so glad my life has changed. I no longer wake up in dread. I wake up in gratitude.

I share this because I need you to know you can turn it around too.

The hours before work became instrumental to changing my life, building my coaching business and building the self-belief that I could do this and make my dreams a reality.


I reverse engineered my morning. Because waking up to feeling good in the morning starts with going to bed feeling good first. That means, having decent food in the house so dinner is something I enjoy, that means not drinking more than I really want to, that means saying no to another episode of Netflix and getting to bed early, it means spending like an extra 5 minutes to tidy up the room, prep some clothes the next day and plan ahead so my alarm goes off with time. This is called habit stacking.

Read the book Atomic Habits if you want to hear it from the OG.

Beyond habit stacking, because, after all, these are just the ACTIONS there was something else that had happen for me to make a change. What really changed things were my thoughts. My thoughts about the kind of person I want to be when I wake up each day and whether I am a morning person or not. The thoughts I have about being the person who says no to an extra glass of wine and the discomfort of leaving a party early or saying no to my friends. The thoughts I have about choosing health over convenience when it comes to my dinner choices. The thoughts I have when I wake up in the morning and realise I get to choose another way if I want to.

It always starts with your thoughts.

When you can start to choose the thoughts you want to think, you start to cultivate how you want to feel, and your feeling is how you experience the world.

Whether you choose to be a morning person or not, you for sure wake up in gratitude. You wake up with the thoughts in your mind, heart and soul saying Thank you, I love you, More please.

If you want help with that, then this is how I helped myself and this is one small example of how I help my clients. I help you change your thoughts and change your self concept, build boundaries, and choose YOU, so you can change your life.

Are you ready to become my client and experience the life changing effects of having me as your life coach?

It’s so much more than having a decent sales strategy and coaching offer (though we work on that too!). It’s in the person you are when you wake up in the morning.

I help coaches build their dream life and business around the 9to5, so you too can wake up feeling excited to get out of bed in the morning.

Schedule your free consult here.



Pamella Pritchard, Life & Business Mindset Coach

Pamella, certified Life & Business Coach, helps you build your soul-led business around the 9to5 with simplicity, confidence and clarity.