Comparison is killing your soul

Photo by negar nikkhah on Unsplash

Everytime you compare yourself to someone a piece of your soul gets pushed down, told it isn’t good enough and put back in a box that says ‘you’re not her so what you are isn’t enough’.

Imagine an adorable little 4 year old girl coming to you saying I wish I was like her.

And your response was “well, you’re not her so what you are isn’t enough”.

Would you say that to a 4 year old girl who is looking at you like you are a princess she just met at a Disney Parade?

Would you?

Now imagine that 4 year old girl is you, when you are 4. Looking at another person and feeling inadequate by comparison.

Of course you wouldn’t say that to her.

You would say, “hey beautiful, look at how incredible you are, look at how beautiful, intelligent, strong and powerful you are. Do you see your own power? Do you see the power in that person you admire? You admire it because it echoes in you too. The part of you that sees her and thinks ‘wow — I wish I could be like that’ is ALREADY within you….

Tell me, do you see that? That person you just compared yourself against, tell me where you see that same quality in you…”

And let her speak. Let her find it.

Then say to her “I see that in you too. Would you like to speak to that part of you? Go ahead and speak to her. What does she want to say you? What does she want you to know? How does she want to be expressed through you?”

Then let the voice, the knowing come through you. Feel the power move in you. Feel the awareness of what you perceive to be separate from you to come back to you.

Remember that 4 year old girl is you. Remember all you are, and all you have is reflected around you to invite you back to remembering who the F you are. If you see it in her, it’s because it’s in you too.



Pamella Pritchard, Life & Business Mindset Coach

Pamella, certified Life & Business Coach, helps you build your soul-led business around the 9to5 with simplicity, confidence and clarity.