Are you in a money-making mentality?

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

Are you in a money-depleting thought spiral about your coaching business?

It sounds like: ‘am I doing this right?’, ‘what am I missing?’, ‘what’s wrong with me’, ‘will I ever make it?’.

In your body it feels restrictive, heavy, dense.

You might be showing up, passionately speaking to your audience, but you doubt if it will land and if anyone will see it anyway.

Then you spend as much time doom-scrolling as you do creating. An hour, maybe longer, passes by.

Then you have to get back to your 9to5 and that’s the last place you want to be.

Inside THRIVE I get candid about how to shift your mindset from a money depleting, to a money making mentality.

It’s not WHAT you do. It’s HOW you do. It’s WHO you are. It’s your attitude, your energy, your being.

The same is true of any area of your life to be honest.

But the stakes are never quite as high as they are in business… because money is on the line.

Try this quick exercise to find out what your money mentality is right now:


Do this in your mind — or if you have a pen and paper handy work through the following quick questions:

  1. how much do you want to be making right now in your coaching business?
  2. how much have you made in your coaching business to date?
  3. do you like those answers?
  4. what’s the top 3 most recurring thoughts you have about your business, your clients or audience and your offer? Yes write them down.
  5. do you like what you see?

If you answer ‘yes’ to Q3 and Q5 then you have a money making mentality and this means you are likely making money or you’re going to be, very soon.

If you answer ‘no’, then you have a money depleting mentality and this means you are either making money from misalignment or you are simply not making money at all.

I don’t know about you, but I think you definitely deserve to be making money.

Inside THRIVE you will deep dive into how to develop your money-making mentality so you can actually start to create the results you know you are capable of in your coaching business.

If you’re ready to go all the way and get 1:1 life and business mindset support then schedule your free here consult today.

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash



Pamella Pritchard, Life & Business Mindset Coach

Pamella, certified Life & Business Coach, helps you build your soul-led business around the 9to5 with simplicity, confidence and clarity.